If you're struggling to pay your prescription charges, then you may be able to get help through the NHS Low Income Scheme. This could give you full or partial help to pay your prescription fees if you have a low income. Each claim is assessed on a case-by-case basis, so it's worth checking to see if you're entitled to help through this scheme.
If you don't qualify for the Low-Income Scheme, you may find that a Prescription Pre-payment Certificate (PPC) could help you. This helps people who need large quantities of medicine on a regular basis, but still have to pay prescription charges, by helping to spread the cost of the charges.
You can apply for a PPC by:
Going to a pharmacy registered to sell PPCs
Through the PPC you can pay £32.05 for all your prescriptions for three months, or £114.50 for all your prescriptions for a year. An NHS prescription cost is £9.90 so if you pay for four of more prescriptions in three months, or 15 prescriptions or more over a year, then the PPC would save you money.
Hearts & Minds